
Fountain Square- Christmas bazar

domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013


Esta semana estaré fuera de Baku, seguramente vendre con fresh air e ideas renovadas :)

have a happy week!!


Les cuento que comencé a escribir algunos artículos para un diario que se llama Baku Weekly, el diario es en Ingles.
Esto de escribir, cosa que  disfruto mucho haciendo, hace que pueda contar  mis experiencias aquí en  Baku a través de mi palabra y mis fotos.

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013


Este domingo 27 de octubre a las 5 am, atrasaremos una hora el reloj en Azerbaijan.

This 27 th of October the time will be back one hour.

domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013


Buenas tardes, un día espléndido hoy en Baku , soleado.
Les comparto algunos números curiosos.

Estudios recientes dicen que la población en Azerbaijan creció un 0,9 % y alcanza a un 9.442.500 habitantes.

El 53,1% vive en las ciudades mientras que el 46,9% de la población viven en las regiones del país.

Según este informe el 49,7% son hombres y el 50,3% son mujeres. ( mira vos!!!! no parece)
La edad media de la población es de 32,6 años mientras que la esperanza de vida media es de 73,9 anos .

El indice de mortalidad en Azerbaijan en 2012 fue  de 5,9 por cada 1000 personas.

Good afternoon, a beautiful day today in Baku, sunny.
I want to share some interesting numbers.

Recent studies say that the population in Azerbaijan grew by 0.9% and reached to 9.4425 million people.

53.1% live in cities while 46.9% of the population live in regions of the country.

According to the report, 49.7% are men and 50.3% women. (seems that it is the other way )
The average age of the population is 32.6 years while the average life expectancy is 73.9 years.

The mortality rate in Azerbaijan in 2012 was 5.9 per 1,000 people.

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013


Hoy se celebra en Azerbaijan la fiesta del sacrificio, cada musulmán debe sacrificar un animal y dar la carne a gente pobre.

From today .az newspaper

Azerbaijan today marks Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice). It is one of the oldest holidays. The religious ritual of sacrificing existed long before Islam.

There were new goals and causes of the religious ritual of sacrificing in the Islamic world after the second year of the Hijrah (the year when the Prophet Muhammad moved from Mecca to Medina). Thus, the religious rite of sacrifice created such symbols in Islam as a high spiritual state, religion, patronage, help to others, etc.

The religious rite of sacrifice appeared after the case with the Prophet Ibrahim. Ibrahim dreamed that Allah ordered him to sacrifice his son Ismail to test his faith. As a true believer, Ibrahim was ready to execute an instruction of Allah. Ismail himself was ready to become a victim. However, according to Quran, Allah sent a sheep and it was sacrificed.

During Eid al-Adha every noble Muslim must sacrifice an animal, and gift meat to the poor and indigent. Here the main goal is to become a true believer. Quran says: "Allah needs neither meat, nor blood of animal, but only your faith".

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013


Today we spent a great time with some friends families, at Cilantro 's restaurant where you can go every Sunday from 12 to 4:30 pm to have a varied , tasty brunch.
They have a kids corner, and a sushi corner also. The service was great, we enjoy and I recommend!

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013


Fuente del texto: Today az.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has addressed the nation as initial results of the presidential election have been announced.

The President thanked the people of Azerbaijan for putting their confidence in him. “I assure the people of Azerbaijan that I will further serve the people with dignity, and protect the interests of the Azerbaijani state.”

“This election saw the people of Azerbaijan make their choice in a free, transparent manner. 

The presidential election in Azerbaijan is the triumph of democracy. All freedoms exist in Azerbaijan. Our country will further develop as a democratic state.”

“The conduct of this election in a free, transparent manner is another serious step toward democracy. All freedoms are ensured in Azerbaijan: freedom of speech, freedom of press, political freedoms, freedom of conscience. Representatives of all nationalities, all religions live in Azerbaijan as one family, in an atmosphere of peace and good relations. This is our great advantage, great wealth. It`s no coincidence that today Azerbaijan has become a very important country in the world in terms of ethnic and religious tolerance.”

The President said: “The people of Azerbaijan gave their assessment of what has been done in our country in the last ten years. These ten years saw the foundations of our statehood strengthen. Azerbaijan is a strong state, which pursues its independent policy. We have strong ideological foundations.”

“Azerbaijan is of great importance in terms of settlement of global problems. Two years ago supported by the majority of the world community, Azerbaijan was elected to the UN Security Council, the supreme organization in the world, which we now chair.”
President Ilham Aliyev highlighted the country`s economic achievements. “I can say that economic reforms carried out in Azerbaijan in the past 10 years, and their results are the most serious achievements on a global scale.”

“Our economy has grown 3.4-fold in the last decade, while the level of poverty reduced approximately 10 times. This is the result of serious economic and social policy carried out in the country. This policy helped Azerbaijan considerably strengthen its economic potential.”
“Economic power lets us protect our interests on an international level. Azerbaijan is playing its role in solving not only regional, but also global problems. And this role will further increase.”
“According to ratings of the leading international economic organizations, Azerbaijan has been developing even when the rest of the world was his by the economic and financial crisis. Our economy was ranked among the top 40 economies of the world in terms of competitiveness.”
“These achievements have been possible thanks to talent, work of the Azerbaijani people. I think that a well thought out policy, unity between the authorities and the people, as well as the people`s support of all our initiatives are the major condition for our successes.”

The Head of State highlighted Azerbaijan`s energy policy, saying it is of profound significance not only to the region, but also the entire world. “Today Azerbaijan is playing its role in the world as a modern, independent state, and we will have more capabilities.”

“We have wide capabilities to influence regional processes. No political, economic initiative can become a reality in the region without Azerbaijan`s consent. These initiatives will have no future.

We are free, we are independent. Our destiny is in our own hands. Votes given to me in this election are given to independence, liberty, and happy future.”

“I`m very much proud that all our initiatives have become a reality in the last few years. Ten years ago – in 2003 – I promised the people of Azerbaijan that if they put their confidence in me I will remain committed to policy of Heydar Aliyev. So having remained committed to this policy, we have done much to ensure Azerbaijan`s prosperity in the last decade.”

“We look into the future with big hopes, and optimism. Our ten-year experience increases our confidence because we have made great achievements in all fields. Being a strong, developing country, which pursues its independent policy, Azerbaijan looks into the future with great optimism.”

The President said: “Our policy for the years to come is open, clear.” “Azerbaijan will confidently move forward on the path toward development. Azerbaijan will cement its position on the international scale, and all international initiatives will protect the interests of the people of Azerbaijan.”

“We will continue our firm policy in terms of development of democracy in Azerbaijan. The process of building a modern state will be continued. In the years to come we will combat negative elements, particularly corruption.”

The Head of State said: “We will continue our policy in terms of development of entrepreneurship. We have concrete programs on all fronts – creating new jobs, reducing poverty and unemployment, and import replacement.”

“In the years to come we will move forward in terms of economic reforms, social policy, energy policy, foreign policy. We will build a more powerful Azerbaijan, a stronger state, where each citizen will feel himself comfortable and live in peace and stability.”

President Ilham Aliyev said: “Azerbaijan will further confidently develop. The Azerbaijan state and me as the President will protect the national interests of Azerbaijan, and ensure the people`s prosperity.”

“Once again I would like to express my gratitude to you for supporting me in the past 10 years. Once again I assure you that I will try my best to work for the prosperity of our people, and the strengthening of our state. Together we will make big achievements,” the President concluded.

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2013

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013


Dia de viento en Baku, escribiendo desde mi antigua Hp, mi Mac murio ayer, hoy me hablaron que manana la tendre, la extrano jeje, no encuentro los tildes lo siento.

El miercoles son las elecciones presidenciales, se ve en algunos diarios locales que el presidente anda de aqui alla haciendo inauguraciones, se oye que despues de las elecciones saldra vigente la ley para no fumar en lugares cerrados, se escucha que pondran mas multas por infracciones de transito, promesas van promesas vienen.
La ciudad no se la ve empapelada con carteles de la oposicion, solo algunos por alli, como pegados al voleo para recordar que el 9 de Octubre hay que votar.

La voz del pueblo, aquella que se guarda lo que siente, aquella que no sale a gritar a viva voz lo que no le gusta, aquellos que no se manifiestan con platillos y tambores estan zombies, dormidos.

Tengo la sensacion de ver un Baku de aqui a 10 anos, moderno, luminoso, nuevo, pero con las mismas personas.
Deseo que la gente aprenda que con eduacion se crece, se crea, se progresa, se visiona. Deseo que Baku madure.

sábado, 5 de octubre de 2013


El servicio meteorológico esta vez no ha fallado , se viene fin de semana de lluvia y frío. A abrigarse y hacer programas in door.

buen fin de semana

The weather service has not failed this time, this weekend will be rainy and cold. A bundle up and make programs in door.

Have a good weekend

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013


Se vino el frío? Que viento madona santa!
Mientras ordenaba mi closet hoy en la tarde, Gunel, la señora que me ayuda en casa me llamó para que me asome a la ventana.
Una novia! Una boda!

Hace unos meses fui a una boda al estilo Azeri, allí pude ver y darme cuenta cuáles son las costumbres en la fiesta y hoy pude vivir desde la ventana de mi apartamento cómo es la primera parte previa a la fiesta.

8am, Baku, se siente que hace viento, espero el ascensor, piso 7, se abre la puerta, yo me miro en el espejo y veo todo el ascensor por dentro decorado con cintas blancas y tules bordeando el espejo, me río, alguien se casa pensé.

6pm, Baku, hace más viento, llegando a casa veo en la entrada de mi edificio toda una alfombra blanca con plantas verdes  a los costados ( también para que no se vuele me imagino), hombres de traje negros, mujeres de vestidos coloridos y largos, tres hombres tocando la trompeta, pétalos de rosa en el piso, el auto blanco con sus flores... sonrío , hoy es la boda.

6:30 pm, Baku, ando ordenando mi placard cuando escucho a los hombres tocando las trompetas, me asomo a la ventana, mis hijos me gritan que vaya a ver, la novia sale de la mano de su marido, tiran mas pétalos de rosas, se ve mas gente mirando, se suben al auto... empieza la fiesta.

Es una costumbre aquí en Baku que el día de la boda sea el novio quien viene a buscar a la novia donde vive con sus padres .
 La novia se viste de blanco y amigos de la novia que puede ser hombre o mujer preferentemente menores a la novia le colocan una cinta roja alrededor de la cintura simbolizando la virginidad, esta es una costumbre musulmana.
Allí la familia de la novia, y personas bien cercanas a ellos bailan y celebran, el novio le da el anillo a la chica o si no puede comprarle le da una cadena o algo .
Luego se van juntos en el auto hasta el lugar de la fiesta, allí entran juntos y se sientan los dos solos en una mesa donde generalmente todos pueden verlos.
El novio se muestra feliz y alegre, la novia puede estar feliz pero dicen ( varias personas me han contado) que la novia se muestra seria o no se puede mostrar muy feliz  porque el novio la a sacado de su casa.
En mi opinión y por lo que he visto creo que depende de las familias si son o no muy tradicionales.
En la mesa de los novios siempre hay un espejo , hoy me enteré que significa o refleja que la unión de estas dos personas es algo claro, puro, para siempre , sin sombras.
La gente se reúne en diferentes mesas, abunda la comida y la bebida, cuando uno llega la comida ya esta servida, luego sirven platos calientes, pero la cantidad es lo que me llamó la atención .
Tienen una especie de baile los dos solos, y luego todos bailan alrededor, sus bailes típicos .

Aquí la gente regala dinero, se coloca en un sobre el dinero que uno le de, hay que poner el nombre de uno y se deposita en una urna, en mi caso, nosotros conocíamos al novio entonces el sobre se deposito en la urna de parte del novio.

El tema de registro civil, o de papeles ellos pueden ir otro día para realizar esos tramites

It came the cold?
While organizing my closet this afternoon , Gunel , the lady who helps me at home called for me to lean out the window.
A bride ! A wedding !

A few months ago I went to a wedding, Azeri style , there, I could see and realize what the customs at the party and today I live from the window of my apartment how is the first part prior to the party.

8am, Baku , feels that it is windy , I wait the elevator , 7th floor , the door opens , I looked in the mirror and see everything inside the elevator decorated with white ribbons and tulle skirting the mirror , I laugh ... someone gets married I thought.

6pm , Baku , more wind, coming home I see at the entrance of my building across a white carpet with green plants on the sides (also to not fly I imagine) , black men in suits , women in colorful  long dresses and three men playing trumpet , rose petals on the floor , the white car with flowers ...  I smile ... today is the wedding.

6:30 pm , Baku , I'm organizing my closet when I hear men blowing trumpets , I look out the window, the bride goes hand in hand with her boyfriend  ,  more rose petals on the floor , you see more people gossiping , they get into the car ... the party starts .

It is a custom here in Baku that the wedding day is the boyfriend who comes for the bride where he lives with his parents .
 The bride wears white dress and friends of the bride who can be male or female, preferably younger girlfriend  put a red ribbon around the waist symbolizing virginity, this is a Muslim custom .
There, the bride's family and close people  celebrate and  dance , the groom gives the ring to the girl.
Then they go together in the car to the place of the party.
The groom is happy and cheerful, the bride is  happy too, but say ( several people have told me ) that she shows serious or can not show very happy because the boyfriend took her from his parents  home .
In my opinion and from what I've seen I think it depends on whether or not families very traditional .
In the table of the bride and groom are always a mirror , I learned today that this union reflects something clear, pure , forever, without shadows.
People gather at different tables , abundant food and drink , when you get in , the food  is already  served,  but the amount is what caught my attention .
They have a  typical dance .

Here people give money, is placed in an envelope, you need to put your name of one and placed in an urn , in my case, we knew the groom so we made the deposit  in the ballot box is the part the groom.

The issue of civil registration papers they can go another day for these formalities

(I hope you can understand my english , thanks)

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013


Baku, 16:21 pm, no puedo contarles como está el clima hoy porque vamos del frío, al fresco al calor y viceversa.

Octubre es un mes caótico para mí , es largo pero se pasa volando. Muchas actividades en la escuela de mis hijos, eventos, feriado en el medio del mes, llega Halloween! desde cuando lo festejo ? si en Argentina no le damos mucha importancia.... la gente te pregunta que harás en Navidad? vas o o te quedas? preguntas típicas de esta época.
En fin, llegó el otoño y se hace notar, atrasaremos una hora el reloj a final de mes, habrá elecciones presidenciales, habrá un break en el medio del mes, nos pondremos pelucas y disfraces para la fiesta de Halloween, es así  ...
Es octubre.
A vivir cada dia...

Baku, 4:21 p.m., I can not tell you how the weather is today because started this morning a bit cold then became warmer and vice versa

October is a chaotic month for me, is long but it flies. Many activities in the school of my children, events, holiday in the middle of the month, come Halloween! since when I come  celebrating? if Argentina do not give much importance .... people ask you what you will do  at Christmas? you will stay here or go? Typical questions at this time of year
Finally, came the fall and it is noted, will delay clock one hour at the end of the month, there will be presidential elections, there will be a break in the middle of the month, we'll  wear wigs and costumes for the Halloween party, so ...
It's October.
Live each day!